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Department of Land and Water Resources Management

Faculty of Civil Engineering SUT in Bratislava Department of Land and Water Resources Management

Radlinského 11, block C, 12. floor
810 05 Bratislava 1

Phone: + 421 2 32888625

Project Danube Water Balance





This project is supported by the Interreg Danube Region Programme co-funded by the European Union.


DTP Specific objective: Sustainable, integrated, transnational water and sediment management in the Danube River Basin ensuring good quality and quantity of waters and sediment balance





Danube Region 2021-2027
Project title
Development of a harmonized water balance modelling system for the Danube River Basin


A greener, low-carbon Danube Region

Specific Objective 2.3 Sustainable, integrated, transnational water and sediment management in the Danube River Basin ensuring good quality and quantity of waters and sediment balance
Project acronym: Danube Water Balance
Duration: 01.01.2024 - 30.06.2026
Lead Partner:
OVF (Hungary) & unofficially co-leader: Serbia
Partners: 20 from 11 countries
ASP partners: 13
Slovak partner:

Slovac University of Technology Bratislave (STUBA),
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department LWRM

ASP partners from Slovakia:
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMU)
Water Research Institute (VUVH)


Website of project:
