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Department of Land and Water Resources Management

Faculty of Civil Engineering SUT in Bratislava Department of Land and Water Resources Management

Radlinského 11, block C, 12. floor
810 05 Bratislava 1

Phone: + 421 2 32888625

RECARE project

The RECARE project is funded by the European Commission FP7 Programme

Finding and sharing solutions to pretect our soils

A growing world population has to deal with increasingly urgent issues of food security, flooding and drought, as well as pollution which threaten agricultural productivity and the environment.

The answer to all these urgent issues could rest in the soil.


With the importance of soil in mind, the EU has funded a 5 year research project which will be looking at measures to prevent and remediate soil degradation in Europe.


The RECARE project has brought together a multidisciplinary team of 27 different organisations , including
Department of Land and Water Resources Management , Faculty of Civil Engineering SUT in Bratislava.

Start date: 1 November 2013, end date: 31 October 2018

The RECARE project is funded by the European Commission FP7 Programme, ENV.2013.6.2-4 'Sustainable land care in Europe'. EU grant agreement: 603498. Project officer Maria Yeroyanni.

Contact Address :
Wageningen University, Soil Physics and Land Management Group / ALTERRA, Soil Science Centre / Coen Ritsema, P.O. Box 47 • 6700 AA Wageningen, Holandsko.

T: +31 317 48 65 17
F: +31 317 41 90 00
E: Coen.Ritsema@wur.nl